Albert Einstein, no doubt, the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Unparalleled scholar of past centuries. Including for the theory of "relativity" of his. Actually this theory are two theories are linked to each other: the special theory of "relativity" is defined in 1905 and a general theory of "relativity" that defined the year 1915, better known as Einstein's law of gravity. Both are extremely complicated theory, because it is not the place here to explain as it is, but a rudimentary description of the problem of special relativity there is mentioned a bit. Proverb says, "everything is relative." Einstein's theory is not just chewing on that phrase is almost boring. He means a definite opinion about the mathematical rules that actually relatively scientific. Essentially, the subjective assessment of time and space depends on the believer. Before Einstein, most people always believed that behind the subjective impression that there is space and absolute time that can be measured objectively with the equipment. Einstein's theory overturned revolutionized scientific thinking in a way denied the existence of the absolute time. The following examples illustrate how radical his theory, he asserted he revolutionized how we think about space and time.
Imagine a spaceship - mention his name X - gliding speed away from Earth at 100,000 miles per second. Velocity measured by an observer, both in the spacecraft X and on earth, and measure them simultaneously. Meanwhile, the other spacecraft named Y sliding speed in the same direction with the spacecraft X but with excessive speed. If an observer on earth measures the speed of the spacecraft Y, they knew that the plane was moving away from Earth at a speed of 180,000 kilometers per second. Observer on the spacecraft Y would conclude similar.
Well, because the spacecraft was traveling at the same time, it would appear that the speed difference between the two aircraft were 80,000 kilometers per second and faster aircraft that could not be moved away from the slower aircraft at this speed levels.
However, taking into account Einstein's theory, if the observations were made from the two spaceships, they will agree that the distance between them increases in size the level of 100,000 miles per second, instead of 80,000 miles per second.
This seems impossible. It looks like a joke. The reader is assumed as deceptive smells. Lest suspect there are hidden details. Actually, not at all! This result has nothing to do with the energy used to push them.
Nothing wrong observations. As a result, nothing was missing, damaged equipment or twisted wire. Smooth, plain, not misleading. According to Einstein, the conclusions mentioned above were solely as a result of the natural nature of space and time are calculated by the formula can happenings velocity composition.
Seems to be a theoretical virulence, and indeed of many years away from "the theory of relativity" is like away from the hypothesis "ivory tower," as if that theory has no significance at all. No one - certainly not - make the mistake until 1945 when he swept the atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of the conclusions "theory of relativity," Einstein is the matter and energy are balanced in the sense and the relationship between them is defined as E = mc2. E shows the energy and m indicates the mass of the object, while c is the speed of light. Now, because c is equal to 180,000 kilometers per second (that is a very large number of digits) by itself c2 (which means CXC) karuan just immense in numbers. Thus, although the conversion of a small part of the body can remove the amount of energy is enormous.
People karuan just could never make an atomic bomb or nuclear power centers simply hold on to the formula E = mc2. It should be also reviewed in-in, many people play an important role in the process of generating atomic energy. But, after all, Einstein's contribution was not doubting mind again. No one quarreled in this matter. Furthermore, none other than the one which Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt in 1939, showed the possibility and make atomic weapons as well as emphasize the importance for the United States as soon as possible make the weapon before Germany preceded. The idea is then to realize "Manhattan Project" which could eventually create the first atomic bomb.
"The theory of special relativity" inviting warm different opinions, but in one sense all agree, that theory is the most dubious idea that human beings ever formulated. However, each person was deceived because "the theory of general relativity" Einstein is the starting point of another mind that the influence of gravity is not due to physical strength in the usual sense, but rather a result of the curved shape of space itself, an opinion which is very astonishing!
How can we measure the form of curved space?
Einstein is not just developing theoretically, but poured into the mathematical formulation of clear and obvious that people can make real predictions and testable hypothesis. The next observation - and this is the most brilliant because it is done when the total solar eclipse - has repeatedly because it believed the truth right along with what Einstein said.
General theory of relativity stands apart in some ways with all scientific laws. First, Einstein did not formulate his theory on the basis of the experiments, but on the basis of symmetry and mathematical subtleties. Short rests on a rational basis as is usual habit of the Greek philosophers and the scholars do century. This means, different from the way Einstein with modern scientific methods of empirical view. However, there are also different: Greek thinkers in terms of beauty and symmetry pendambaan never successfully managed to find a mechanical theory that withstand the test of complex trial-complex, while Einstein could survive successfully on each experiment. One result of this approach is that Einstein's general theory of relativity is considered a very beautiful, stylish, strong and intellectually satisfying all scientific theories.
Theory of general relativity is also in some ways stands in isolation. Most of the scientific laws of another just about all valid. There was a hit in many ways, but not all. As for the general theory of relativity, all knowledge, fully accepted without exception. There was no unknown circumstances, both in terms of theoretical or practical experiments show that the predictions of the general theory of relativity is valid only approximately. It could be experiments in the future ruin a perfectly good result ever achieved by something theoretical, but as far as the general theory of relativity, clearly remains the most reliable approach for every scientist in his attempt to the last truth.
Although Einstein's very popular with the "theory of relativity" was, the success of his work in other scientific fields as well as made famous scientist in every aspect. In fact, Einstein got the Nobel Prize for physics in particular because of his written thoughts reveal the effects of electrical images, an important phenomenon which previously was a puzzle the scholars. In the work of Einstein's scientific writings prove the existence of photons, or particles of light.
Old assumption by experiments that halting said that light is composed of electro magnetic waves, and waves and particles are opposite concepts. While Einstein's hypothesis indicates a radical difference and so contrary to the classical theories. Not only did the law have proven electric images importance in use, but the hypothesis of a photon has a large influence in the development of quantum theory (the hypothesis that the radiation, electron energy released is not continuous but in a certain amount) are now part and parcel of the theory.
In terms of assessing the significance of Einstein, a comparison with the Isaac Newton is striking. Newton's theory is basically easy to understand, and his genius had appeared in the beginning of development. As for "theory of relativity," Einstein's extremely difficult to understand even by a thorough explanation and caution. More-more complicated if the original precis! When some ideas clash with Newton's scientific ideas in his time, his theory was never looked faded or wavered in his stance. On the contrary, "the theory of relativity" is full of conflicting things. This is part of Einstein's genius that in the beginning, when the idea is still an untested hypothesis that as young people dikemukakannya teens who are not completely known, he never let the contradiction that there actually is, and dumped his theory. Instead he's even very closely and carefully reflect on hold until he was able to show that this contradiction is only on course while the actual birth of each issue is always available to solve the contradiction in a way that subtle but clever and decisive.
Now, we consider Einstein's theory is essentially more "correct" than Newton's theory. If the case why Einstein put more down in the list order this book?
The reason for this is available. First, Newtonlah theories that are basic and peletak first stone of modern science and technology. Without the work of Newton, we will not see the modern technology today. Instead of Einstein.
There are other factors leading to why Einstein's position in the order as the reader witnessed. In many ways, the development of an idea involving a lot of people contributed thoughts. This clear example in the history of socialism affairs, or in the development of electric and magnetic theory. While Einstein was not 100% defined "theory of relativity" with his own brain, which is certainly the biggest part of it shares. It is fair to say that judging from a comparison of the importance of other ideas, theories of relativity mainly from the creation of one, the genius and the ace, Einstein.
Einstein was born in 1879, in the city of Ulm, Germany. He entered college in Switzerland and became a Swiss citizen in 1900. In 1905 he earned a Doctorate from the University of Zurich, but (strangely) can not achieve academic position at the time. In the same year he published a paper about the "special relative," about the photo electric effect, and the theory of Brown's motion. Only in a few years working papers, especially concerning relativity, has made him one of the most brilliant scientists and most original in the world. His theories are controversial. There was no world except Darwin scientists who had created a controversial situation like Einstein. As a result of that, in the year 1913 he was appointed as a professor at the University of Berlin and at the same time as Director of Institute of Physics "Kaiser Wilhelm" and a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. These positions are not tied to freely devote full time to investigations, whenever he likes.
The German government does not regret flush with a long line of Einstein's special position, because just two years later, Einstein managed to formulate a "general theory of relativity," and in 1921 he obtained the Nobel Prize. Throughout the latter half of his life, Einstein became the world's lips, and he's almost certainly a distinguished scientist who had come into the world.
Because Einstein was a Jew, his life in Germany became so insecure Hitler's rise to power. In 1933 he moved to Princeton, New Jersey, United States, working at the High Institute of Advanced Studies and in 1940 became United States citizens. Einstein's first marriage ended in divorce, only the second marriage had seemed happy. Have two children, both boys. Einstein died in Princeton in 1955.
Einstein always been interested in humanitarian affairs and the world around him often express political views. He is a steadfast opponent of the political system of tyranny, a staunch supporter Pacifis movement, and a steadfast supporter of Zionism. In terms of dress and social habits he was a individualistic. Like humor, simple, and there is a violin string talent. The inscription on Newton's tomb headstone that reads: "Enjoy the spirits as he left decoration for humanity!" was more subject to Einstein.
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