Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Karl Marx, the main pioneer of the idea of "scientific socialism" was born in 1818 in the city of Trier, Germany, his father and lawyer at the age of seventeen Karl entered the University of Bonn, is also studying law. Later he moved to the University of Berlin and then to a Doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena.

Whether it was more interested, Marx plunged into the world of journalism and briefly became editor of the Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. But, the radical political views bring him to the varieties of trouble and forced him to move to Paris. That's where he first met the first Friederich Engels. Rope friendship and equality binding on both the political views of this person as a single bilingual until his death.

Marx could not long stay in Paris and immediately kicked out of there and to be carrying a suitcase to move to Brussels. In this city, in 1847 he first published his thoughts are important and big The poverty of philosophy (philosophy of Poverty). The next year together to join hands with Friedrich Engels published their Communist Manifesto, a book that eventually became the reading world. In the same year Marx returned to Cologne and then expelled again from there only every few months. There exile after exile here, finally crossing the Strait of Marx Canal and settled in London until the end.

Although there are only a little money in thanks koceknya journalistic work, Marx spent a large amount of his time in London to investigate and write books about politics and economics. (In the years that Marx and relatives can help the cost of living from her closest friend Friedrich Engels). The first volume of Das Kapital, Marx's most important scientific works published in 1867. When Marx died in 1883, two volumes of the connection has not been fully completed. Both volumes were compiled and connections oIeh Engels published hold on the notes and manuscripts left by Marx.

Works of Marx formulated the theoretical basis of Communism. Judging from the tremendous growth of this movement in the 20th century, so if he's worth a place in the high order this book. The problem is, how high?

The main factor for this decision is the calculation of the importance of long-term Communist history. Since the growth of Communism as an integral part of contemporary history, was a little difficult to determine the future care perspective. Although no one could ascertain how much Communism can grow and how long it can survive this ideology, which he certainly is a strong ideology and tough and strong roots dig into the earth, and has certainly had a major influence in the world for at least several centuries to come .

At present, about a century after Marx's death, the number of people who at least influenced by Marxism has approximately 1.3 billion number. The number of believers is greater than the number of adherents of any ideology in human history. Not just the absolute numbers, but also as a group of the whole population of the world. This resulted in the Communists, and also some non-Communists, believed that the future can not Marxism will triumph throughout the world. However, it is difficult to establish the truth with the belief that no bergoyah. There have been many examples of the ideology that seems very important influence in his time but eventually wither and disappear. (The religion founded by Mani could be an interesting example). If we recede into the year 1900, would seem clear that constitutional democracy is the current fad that will be the future. Hold on to hope, it seems that way, but now no more people who believe everything has happened as the original image.

Now about Communism. Put a person believes so and know exactly how great the influence of Communists in the world today and the future of the world, yet people still question the significance of Karl Marx in the Communist movement. Politics of the Soviet government now seems not supervised by the works of Marx who wrote the basics of the mind like Hegel's dialectic of style and the theory of "value." Theories seemed little influence in the political wheel rotation practices Soviet government, both within and outside the political realm.

Communism today focuses on four ideas: (1) small Sekelumit rich people live in luxury in abundance, while the workers are very many poor live miserable wallowing. (2) How to dismantle this injustice is by implement a socialist system, a system in which the state-controlled production equipment rather than by a private individual. (3) In general, only the most practical way to implement the socialist system is through violent revolution. (4) To maintain the continuity of socialist system should be governed by the dictatorship of the Communist party in sufficient time period.

Three of the first idea was clearly articulated before Marx. While the idea came from the four Marx's ideas about the "dictatorship of the proletariat." Meanwhile, the length of period of validity of the Soviet dictatorship is now more a result of the steps of Lenin and Stalin than the ideas of Marx. This seems to lead to the assumption that the influence of Marx on Communism is smaller than the actual reality, and the appreciation of the writings, more like just etalasi to justify the nature of "scholarship" than the ideas and politics that have been done and accepted.

While there might be truth to that assumption, but it seems too excessive. Lenin, for example, not only consider themselves to follow the teachings of Marx, but he really did read it, live it, and accept it. He sure dilimpahkannya road just above the tracks are laid Marx. So did happen to Mao Tse Tung and the Communist leaders of the other. It is true, Marx's ideas may have been misunderstood and interpreted, but this sort of thing also applies to the teachings of Jesus or Buddha or Islam. If all the political basis of China government and left the Soviet Union directly from the writings of Marx, he would get a higher level of order in this book list.

Might be argued that Lenin, the practical politician who actually founded the Communist state, holds a large stake in the building of Communism as an ideology that is so great influence in the world. This argument makes sense. Lenin was an important figure. But, in my opinion, the writings of Marx's such a great influence on the mind not only Lenin but also the Communist leaders of other, clearly have more important position.

There is also an opportunity to debate whether the appreciation of Marxism terumusnya not be divided between Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They both wrote "The Communist Manifesto" and Engels clearly had a deep influence on the final settlement of Das Kapital. Although each book in its own name individually but they are the intellectual partnership so intimate that the overall results can be regarded as a work together. Indeed, Marx and Engels are treated as a single entity in this book, although that include only the name of Marx because (I think I am right) he is considered the dominant partner in a broad sense.

Finally, often accused person that the Marxist theory in economics is very bad and a lot wrong. Of course, many specific allegations proved Marx wrong. For example, Marx predicted that the capitalist countries the workers will be more protracted in the time travel. Clearly, this prediction is not proven. Marx also takes into account that the medium will be exposed to and most people will enter into the proletarian class, and only a few can get up and go in the capitalist class. This was certainly never proven. Marx also seems to believe, the increasing mechanization will reduce the profits of capitalists, the trust is not only wrong but it also looks stupid. But, regardless of whether the economic theory is right or wrong, it had nothing to do with the influence of Marx. The importance of a philosopher lies not in his opinion but the truth lies in the question of whether his thoughts have moved people to act or not. Measured from this angle, no doubt Karl Marx had a tremendous importance wonderful.


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