Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nature and natural laws hidden behind the night.
God said, Let Newton there! And everything will be bright.

Isaac Newton, the greatest scientists and most influential men who ever lived on earth, was born in Woolsthrope, England, right on Christmas day in 1642, coinciding with the death of Galileo. Like the Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father died. In the boy he had shown real skill in the field of mechanics and very skillful with his hands. Although children with brains, the school seemed reluctant and did not attract much attention. When stepping baliq grown, her mother out of school in the hope that their children could be a good farmer. Fortunately the mother could be persuaded, that the main talent lies not in there. At the age of eighteen he entered the University of Cambridge. This is where Newton is quick to absorb what was then known to science and mathematics and also quickly began doing his own investigation. Between the age of twenty-one and twenty-seven years he has laid the foundations of scientific theory which, in turn, then change the world.

The mid-17th century is the period of germination of knowledge. The discovery of the binoculars near the beginning of the star that has revolutionized the entire opinion about astrology. English philosopher Francis Bacon and the French philosopher Rene Descartes both call upon scientists across Europe to stop relying on the authority of Aristotle, but to experiment and research on the basis and starting point for their own purposes. What was put forward by Bacon and Descartes, was practiced by the great Galileo. Use binoculars stars, new discoveries by Newton's astronomical research has revolutionized the field investigation, and he did in the mechanics sector has resulted in what is now known as "Newton's laws of motion" of the first.

Another great scientists, like William Harvey, discoverer of blood circulation affairs and governance inventor Johannes Kepler planet-planetary motion around the sun, presents very basic information for the scholars. Even so, pure science is still a favorite of the intellectuals, and still not be proved - when used in technology - that science can change the basic pattern of human life as predicted by Francis Bacon.

While Copernicus and Galileo had kicked aside some stray thought about the ancient knowledge and has served genah a better understanding of the universe, but no one ever thought the subject carefully terumuskan capable of turning the pile gurem understanding and baseless as to put them in a which allows the development of the theory predictions are more scientific. None other than Isaac Newton was the one who could deliver a collection of neatly summarized the theory and laid the first stone of modern science is now the current fad so people.

Newton himself rather reluctant to publish and announce the findings. Basic idea was drawn up long before the year 1669 but a lot of new theories are public knowledge for years afterward. The first publishing his findings were concerned was returned penjungkir old assumptions about things light. In a series of careful experiments, Newton discovered the fact that what is commonly called the "white light" is actually nothing more than a mixture of all colors are contained in the rainbow. And he was a very careful analysis of the legal consequences of reflection and refraction of light. This law holds to her - in 1668 - designed and well built the first reflecting telescope, binoculars model used by most of the star-kemintang investigators today. This discovery, along with the results obtained in the field of optical experiments that have diperagakannya, dedicated by him to the British royal institute researchers when he was twenty-nine years.

Newton's success in the field of optics may be sufficient just to put Newton on the order of this book list. Meanwhile there are still discoveries that are less important in the field of pure mathematics and in the field of mechanics. Greatest offerings in the field of mathematics is the discovery of "integral calculus" which may be solved when he was twenty-three or twenty-four years. This discovery is the most important works in the field of modern mathematics. Not just like a seed that grows from it the modern mathematical theory, but also furniture without the inevitable progress of his invention of modern knowledge which comes up is impossible. Even Newton did not do anything any more, the discovery of "integral calculus" It's just been sufficient to lead to higher steps in this book is a chronological list.

But Newton's discoveries were most important in the field of mechanics, the knowledge about the movement of an object. Galileo was the first discoverer of the laws of motion describing an object when it is not influenced by outside forces. Of course, basically all objects are influenced by outside forces and the most important issue in mechanical affairs is how objects move under the circumstances. This problem is solved by Newton's laws of motion in the second and famous and can be regarded as classical laws of physics the most important. The second law (in matcmatik described with the equation F = ma) specify that the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force divided by mass of the object. Of Newton's second law adds three famous laws of motion (asserts that in every action, such as physical strength, there is the same reaction to the contrary) and the most famous discoveries of scientific principles of universal law of gravity. All four devices are legal, if combined, would form a unified system applicable for the entire macro mechanical systems, ranging from the pendulum to the motion pergoyangan planet-planet in orbit around the sun that can be monitored and the move was predictable. Newton did not just set the laws of mechanics, but he himself also used a mathematical calculus, and shows that the fundamental formulas can be used for solving the problem.

Newton's laws can and are used in large-scale scientific fields and different areas of the design of technical equipment. In his lifetime, the most dramatic pemraktekan is in the field of astronomy. In this sector, even Newton standing at the front. Year 1678 Newton published his famous mathematical principles of natural philosophy (usually summarized Principia only). In Newton's book suggests that his theory of gravity and the laws of the laws of motion. He shows how these laws can be used to accurately predict the movements of satellite-planet around the sun. The main problem astronomical movements is how to estimate the precise position and movement of stars and planetary kemintang-sphere, thus completely solved by Newton only once snapped. Top of his work was Newton is often considered the greatest astronomer of all the greatest.

What our assessment of the significance of Newton scholarship? If we open the index free open knowledge, we will find particulars about Newton and his laws and the findings of two or three times more numerous than the particulars of any scientist. Great scholars word that Leibniz was not even close to Newton has been involved in a heated argument: "Of all the matters relating to mathematics from the developing world to start the Newton, that the best contribution." Also praise given by the great French scholar, Laplace: "The book Newton's Principia was far above all a product of human genius in the world." And Langrange often said that Newton was the greatest genius who ever lived. While Ernst Mach in his writing in 1901 said, "All the mathematical problem is solved since the time of his life is the basis for the development of mechanics based on Newton's laws." This may be the major discovery of the most intricate Newton: he found a container of separation between fact and law, to describe some of the magic but not much help to make allegations, he left to us the continuum laws that could be used for problems in space physics scope of a vast secret and contains the possibility to make guesses right.

In this brief description, is impossible to disclose in detail the findings of Newton. As a result, many of the works rather less famous are forced to set aside even have an important meaning in terms of discoveries in the field of their own problems. Newton also gave a big contribution in the field of thermodinamika (investigation of the heat) and in the field of acoustics (the science of sound). And he was also the presenting a clear explanation of how crystal physics principles of "preserving" the amount of wasted motion and not to "preserving" the amount of motion something that angle. Queue this finding could be extended if you want more: Newtonlah people found the binomial theorem in mathematics is very logical and justifiable. Want to add more? He also, none other than, the first to convincingly articulate the origin Happenings stars.


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